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Orpheus Kanta.png


Age: 26


Pronouns: They/Them


Occupation: Bouncer


Nationality: Japanese


Status: Deceased

Public Biography

There’s not much to say about the online presence of Orpheus Kanta. They seem

to favor a low profile, as their personal social media profiles are set to private.

However, a trail of tagged photos taken by others tells a story of who they are:

getting coffee with a large group of friends, chatting up patrons outside a bar,

backlit by neon on a dancefloor, playing guitar onstage to a largely empty audience.

Their life is largely told through the eyes of others - at least, their publicly

available life. By the number of tagged photos that come up when their name

is searched online, they seem to be pretty popular.


“The King’s Head,” a bar and music venue located in London, England, lists one

Orpheus Kanta as the head bouncer and part-time bartender employed with them.

The social media page of a funk rock band called “Bizarre Love Triangle” lists them

as the lead guitarist.


Height: 6'3''/193cm


"This murder game's really like...
harshing my mellow"

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