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Cecilia Oquendo.png


Age: 22


Pronouns: She/Her


Ultimate TalentEnvironmentalist


Nationality: Spanish


Status: Alive

Public Biography

Cecilia Oquendo, Ultimate Environmentalist and Public Face of

Madrid’s Environmental Defense Organization (MEDO). A beloved icon for those

fighting climate change worldwide, the twenty-two year old activist shows no signs of stopping her campaigns for a cleaner earth anytime soon.


The environmentalist rose to fame thanks to her parodies of famous songs. She created the channel Earth’s Voice at sixteen years old, filming videos in the forest with a standard phone camera. There, Cecilia would change various lyrics to condemn polluting corporations and promote environmental protection. Her channel would go viral after the overwhelming success of “Pipe Down” was shared by Spain’s Minister of Environment, Science, & Technology Innovations. Following the video, plans for a massive pipeline within Spain were canceled due to public outrage.



Not a month later, Cecilia joined forces with the Spanish Government to be their worldwide spokesperson under the recently created MEDO. Since then, Cecilia has been credited with spreading awareness about climate change across the world. She doesn’t sing as often, but her voice still manages to be heard across the globe.


Height: 5'2''/160cm


"Here to help...!,
Ask whatever you need of me."

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